Mary Koutsoupia

Mary Koutsoupia

Clinical Dietitian - Nutritionist 
specialized in the USA

Mary Koutsoupia

Clinical Dietitian - Nutritionist 
specialized in the USA

Mary Koutsoupia

Clinical Dietitian - Nutritionist 
specialized in the USA


The Privacy Policy is intended to help users understand why we collect users' personal data and how we use it.

This policy applies to all users who use the services through our website.

Who we are

The website was developed to inform users about the nutritional services provided by Mary Koutsoupia's office.

Terms of use

Every user of the services of the website understands and accepts that all pages and services are provided as is. Mary Koutsoupia bears no responsibility for the limited duration, deletion, poor performance or inability to electronically store user data or any content of personal pages and services.

This website does not provide medical advice

Any information and any content such as texts, images and graphics or videos included on the website is general and informative and is not intended as medical recommendation, medical consultation, treatment or diagnosis.

It is important that you contact your doctor or relevant health care provider with any questions or concerns about your medical condition or any treatment.

Προστασία Προσωπικών Δεδομένων

We place the highest priority on the protection of your personal data and we comply with the current legislation of the Personal Data Protection Authority 2472/97 which applies to personal databases as well as with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and we are committed to their full implementation, taking into account the adoption of appropriate administrative and technical measures.

We make sure to only collect data that is absolutely necessary to serve the purpose for which it was given and is used exclusively and only for the purposes for which it was collected. With the exception of any data collected by Cookies [read below, in the corresponding section], the data is limited to what you have provided explicitly and for a specific purpose and if you have given your consent. We also collect data when filling out the contact form, which you give with your consent and are used only for the purposes of your communication.

Every internet user has the possibility to browse, without asking for personal data. However, in the event that the user wishes to use any of the services, such as the contact form, some personal information will be requested, such as the name, telephone, e-mail address, etc.

According to the regulatory frameworks of Greece and the European Union, Mary Koutsoupia can collect the above data or data collected in another way. This data is not disclosed to third parties, is not published and is not exploited.

The data is used for the absolutely necessary reasons, specifically for:

  • Fulfillment of services.
  • Informing users.
  • User support.
  • The smooth operation of the website.
  • Use in legal work.

In exceptional cases, users' personal data may be disclosed, when:

  • The user gives his express consent to the publication of his details.
  • It is required to disclose to third natural or legal persons with whom it cooperates only the necessary information for the provision of each service.
  • Required by law by court order, or requested by another government or regulatory authority.

As a personal data controller, the full contact details are:

Mary Koutsoupia

1st Georgaki Olympiou, Katerini
+30 2351 307141

You can contact him at any time for any question regarding your personal data.


Like most websites, the website can use Cookies to collect data.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small data files, in text format, which are stored in the browser of the user's device when browsing a website. Cookies contain specific information about a user and a website, such as the date and time of their visit to it.

By storing this information a website can "remember" past user actions.

How we manage Cookies

Cookies on our website are used to manage users' connection time, to anonymously collect aggregate statistics, to understand how users use the website, with the aim of improving its structure and content. The user's personal identity cannot be verified by Cookies.

Types of Cookies

There are different types of Cookies that serve different purposes and are described below.


Necessary Cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the website, they allow the user to browse and use its functions, such as clicking "back" and being transferred to the previous page. These cookies do not recognize the individual identity of the user. Without these cookies, we cannot offer efficient operation of our website.

Functionality (Preferences)

Functionality Cookies or preference Cookies allow websites to remember user choices such as name in order to provide improved and personalized features. They can also be used to provide services requested by the user, such as viewing videos or using social media. The information collected by these cookies can be made anonymous and it is not possible to track browsing activity on other websites. If you do not accept these cookies, the performance and functionality of the website may be affected and access to its content may be limited.

Performance (Statistics)

Performance Cookies collect information about how visitors use the website, for example, which pages they visit most often and whether they receive error messages from websites. These cookies collect aggregated, anonymous information that does not identify any visitor. They are used exclusively to improve the performance of a website.

User Options

Each user has the possibility to withdraw at any time they wish, their consent or oppose the use of Cookies on their device, by checking or deleting Cookies.

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