Mary Koutsoupia

Mary Koutsoupia

Clinical Dietitian - Nutritionist 
specialized in the USA

Mary Koutsoupia

Clinical Dietitian - Nutritionist 
specialized in the USA

Mary Koutsoupia

Clinical Dietitian - Nutritionist 
specialized in the USA

Nutrigenetic Test Service (iDNA test)

Harnessing Genetics to Personalize Your Nutrition

The era of personalized nutrition has arrived, and the Nutrigenetic Test is the tool that paves the way for a new era in personal health and nutrition. At our nutrition counseling office, we offer this service to help you understand your genetic profile and adjust your diet accordingly.

What is Nutrigenetic Test?

Nutrigenetic Testi is an analytical procedure that examines your genetic traits related to nutrition. Genes that influence tolerance to specific foods, response to calories, and other important aspects of nutrition are analyzed.

How does it work;

By taking a simple DNA sample, we can analyze genes related to diet. From the results, recommendations for appropriate nutrition, reactions to certain food components, and recommended ratios of nutrients are derived.


Adapting the diet to your genetic needs.

Understanding how your genetic programming affects weight loss.

Prevent potential health problems based on your genetic profile.

Contact us

It's your chance to start a nutritional personalization journey with the Nutrigenetic Test.

Contact us to learn more and book your own test today!

Strategy for
Health and Wellness